
A 4x Inc. 500 Entrepreneur’s Way To Deal Making

By Mun Siong Yoong on December 28, 2022, 12:55 PM

Siong Yoong, VALLARIS Founder and CEO, flew halfway around the world to meet Sharran Srivatsaa, CEO of Srilo Capital.

Sharran is a 4x Inc. 500 Entrepreneur with five exits in 19 years.

Srilo Ventures is a venture capital and private equity firm based out of Marina del Rey, California.

His portfolio generates USD220m+ annual revenues.

Siong Yoong firmly believes the best investors started as founders.

That’s how you become dangerous enough to lead with speed and know when people are bullshitting you.

To get to the top of your game, you gotta Make Your Move™.


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I talk about #entrepreneurship, #management, #marketing, #mergersandacquisitions and #venturecapital.

P.S. Have a merger or acquisition (“M&A”) deal or dispute that’s draining you? Visit www.thevallaris.com.